How to Use Huawei’s Share Kit for You Linux Devices?


Data or information transferring from your Linux devices can be a real headache, especially if you’re a photographer that takes way too many photos professionally or just for a hobby. There can be tons of issues why your Linux device is not transferring right or too slow to receive files.

However, Huawei has addressed all these concerns and launched their very own new and improved Share Kit. Here we’ll show you how you can integrate your Linux devices to the Share Kit for a faster and efficient file sharing.

How to Prepare Your Linux Device?
First and foremost, you must check your device’s model software and compatibility before integrating it with other devices or apps. Here’s how to prepare your Linux device for the integration:

1. Check its development package name, and it should be like this:

2. Other than the package name, also check its structure by checking the following:

· – It has the sample code that you will need later on.

· Sharekit.api.h – It has all the APIs that you will need for you to use the Share Kit.

· Sharekit_def.h – is where the structure and callbacks are.

· – This is your mini library where all your data shared via share kit is stored.

3. Huawei also reminds Linux device users always to check the development tool chain, debugging system and the GCC compiler compatibility. Your Linux has to be updated to GCC 7.4.0.

4. It’s essential to take note as well that your Linux has to be operating Kernel 3.10 and a GNU make 4.21. The latest updates you have, the better it works.

5. The Bluetooth system has to be 4.0 and should support BLE and GATT.

6. Check as well if your Linux has an indispensable component: wpa_supplicant-2.9 and bluez 5.52. This is needed to make the share kit work in your device.

Integrating your Linux to the Share Kit
· Step 1: Configure your device’s development package and guide by going an order ticket online on their website. This will serve as your request.

· Step 2: In your development environment, you will need to do a new project by clicking sharekitdemo.c.

· Step 3: Then upload your newly created project to your Linux compile environment.

· Step 4: Then file all your dependent libraries by starting from the bottom to the top. Start with bluez-5.52 until you finish at |—-util-linux_2.31.1.

· Step 5: Access your Linux compile environment and start running all the compilation commands to collate the project successfully.

· Step 6: The last step for this set-up is to configure the device’s variables. This is where you can see how the program demo runs. Once you’ve configured the variables, you can already start running the demo program.

Note: Be aware that the software has stipulated some limitations that can affect the process, and you may need to consider that before running the program.


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