Pencil Grips for Kids: What You Need to Know

Pencil Grips

Immediately a child starts to learn how to write, he/she will never stop until the end of time. However, the frequency of writing might change when the child is through with school. But, can you imagine the strain your child will go through if he uses the wrong type of pen?

Even as an adult; writing for a long time does tires your arm. It is therefore essential to invest in a pencil grip for your kids. In connection to that, check Firesara for the best pencil grip. The company has a wide range of pencil grips bearing different colors and shape you can choose.

Pencil grips assistive technology has given many children a chance to hold their pencils in the right way, thus improving their handwriting and maintaining their arm’s healthy. Here are tips to consider while buying pencil grips for kids.

  • Comfort

The primary reason for using pencil grips for kids is to protect them from pain and discomfort while using their pencils to the right. It’s therefore essential to choose a pencil grip that is cushiony and large. Reason being, while writing, only the fingers should move. However, if your child uses a pencil without a grip, they will be forced to move their whole arm, leading to pain and fatigue. So, the same way you tire while writing, your child tires more. 

So, if you want to keep your child interested in reading and writing, buy a pencil grip that is cushiony and large. The advantage of a large pencil grip is its ability to prevent direct contact between the pencil and fingers. Also, a cushiony grip prevents fingers from becoming sore. Therefore, when you’re buying best pencil grips for handwriting ensure that it’s large and cushiony.

  • Thumb Web Space

While holding a pen, there is the standard space that should remain between your thumb and fingers. Therefore, choose a pencil finger holder that maintains the thumb space.

  • Types Of Pencil Grips

There is a wide range of pencil grips. The popular model is the claw pencil grip. It has four openings whereby the center part is where you put the pencil. The other three openings should fit the index, middle, and thumb finger. This type of pencil grip hold the fingers in the right position allowing the kid to write comfortably and beautiful handwriting.

Another type of grip is the tripod pencil grip. Tripod grip is an ideal option for kids’ already experiencing finger and joint pains because it helps relieve the pain. Also, the grip comes in three sizes, which means if one is significant, the other is ideal. Another advantage of tripod pencil grip is its silicone material that helps the fingers to be comfortable for hypermobile joints.

Nonetheless, don’t restrict yourself to the two types of pencil grips. Instead, look for pencil grip manufacturer and find out other types of grips you can choose.

  • Color

Kids love things that are in different colors such as red, blue, and yellow. So, identify the color your child loves most and buy pencil grips for kids with the color that your child loves. Additionally, the color that your kid loves will as well improve their love for writing.

Take Away

Using a pencil grip allows your kid to manipulate the movement of the pencil. This ensures that your kids enjoy writing and prevents them from finger and lower arm pain. Therefore, use the factors above when choosing the best pencil grip for kids.


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