Basic Knowledge about an Electronic Shocker

Electronic Shocker

There are pros and cons to purchasing an electronic shocker for your dog. If you intend to buy one, please read this article to be sure of the actual factors you need to weigh into. Also, feel free to ask questions about the different types of shockers in the market. Let us begin with the advantages then delve into the disadvantages.


  • The Viably Adjustable Intensity – Modern shock collars provide you with the flexibility of a loud warning beep coupled with an adjustable shock level. This is comforting to individuals who are not certain about this collar. Other collars, including spray collars that can dispense a harmless foul-smelling blast on the snout of the dog, if not adjustable.
  • Fast Results – Pet owners have reported that it took a few shocks to correct their pet’s unwanted behavior successfully. After that, the beep was loud enough to give a warning to those who did not need some shock at all. That said shock collars can be effective at keeping the dog on your property. This assists them to stay safe when giving them freedom at the same time. Without a doubt, stubborn dogs can take longer to train.
  • You Really Do Not Have to Be Present– With shock collars, you need to rest assured that everything is in control. This means that when there is chronic barking when you are away for work, your dog will maintain the proper behavior imparted during training. The same goes for electric shock collars that serve as boundary control even though they may need hands-on training. Being experts in this field, we would encourage you not to leave your dog unattended when it is linked to a shock collar. But this should be your choice in the long run.
Electronic Shocker
  • Affordability– Your pet’s shock collar is most of the time affordable. In this case, it can be a pretty cheaper alternative to a fence. That said shock collars can range in their prices from $50-$200. This depends on the features it has including remote control, an adjustable warning level, and the range of distances which are usually between 40 and 350 yards.


  • Shock

There is the element of shock when handling your pet using a collar shock. Usually, pet owners cannot really fathom, causing pain to a dog. But while there is the viability to control the extent of the correction, you will still be using aversive behavior modification. Multiple dog trainers go for positive reinforcement when it comes to behavior modification.

  • Fear

Fear in dogs is a precarious element when it comes to using a shock collar. With shock training, some dogs can learn to fear humans and objects. A good example is of a pet owner who to told us that he installed a wireless fence only for the dog to end up refusing to go outside later on after training.

Electronic Shocker


On their own, these shock collars do not really reinforce excellent behavior with a good reward such as affection and verbal approval. Therefore, while the shock can effectively deter unwanted behavior in dogs like jumping on your visitors, it does not really reward good behavior. Know more dog training info here.


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