Does CBD Oil Lower Cholesterol?

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Can CBD oil lower cholesterol levels? Here, let’s explore the facts. When diagnosed with high cholesterol, there’s a high chance that they’ll recommend a medication called Statin. This drug can help lower the risk of a heart attack, stroke, and more health complications by up to 30%.

The Problem with Statin

The first thing that anyone with high cholesterol levels needs to take a long, hard look at is their lifestyle. Right now, most CBD oil products are sold as health and dietary supplements. However, there are many anecdotal reports of CBD oil advantages that include pain relief, reducing anxiety, helping people sleep, solving inflammatory problems, and other health issues.

On the contrary, there is a high trade-off that comes along with most statin prescriptions. For instance, some patients with high cholesterol have complained of experiencing migraines, trouble sleeping, nausea, and dizziness, among other issues. There is a real concern with statin use with regards to the wide range of adverse side effects.

Further concerns with statin use are the increased risk of type 2 diabetes, blood sugar increase, and memory problems. That’s a lot of risks because it is meant to help you live longer. As a result, the debate about using CBD in lowering cholesterol levels has come up.

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Is CBD a Better Alternative to Lower Cholesterol?

CBD has become popular for its ability to alleviate dozens of conditions. This includes anxiety, nausea, inflammation, and sleep disorder. CBD products have proven that they can improve the overall health of both men and women, and help alleviate some of the issues that people with high cholesterol face.

But first, here’s some technical information about cholesterol. There are two primary types of cholesterol: low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). HDL cholesterol is considered good, whereas LDL is considered bad. Now, a study conducted in 2011 found that CBD had properties that affect metabolism-related genes to manage cholesterol levels. As such, CBD can help prevent high levels of LDL cholesterol.

Does this mean that you can use CBD for cholesterol? Although these research results are exciting, there is no bearing on the practical use of CBD oil for managing cholesterol levels. While there may exist some physiological relationship between the two, there is a need for further research into the subject.

Final Thoughts

All in all, there is no clinical evidence that shows that CBD oil lower cholesterol levels. However, most CBD oils that contain THC, also have omega acids, which is known to reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases. However, this doesn’t mean that Cannabidiol products have a straight forward relationship with lowering blood cholesterol levels.

At the moment, research into CBD is still in its infancy. There may be additional physiological properties in CBD that relate to cholesterol management, but for now, there is little known on the topic. As further research is conducted, and our knowledge on CBD improves, we are likely to witness these existing discoveries in the future.


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