How to install a roof top tent

rooftop tent

Before you start on your camping adventure, you will need to install the roof top tent on top of your car. This is a DIY task which you can do easily. However, you may need a helping hand here and there.

Here is how you can install the roof top tent.

Buy the Rack

The roof top tent must be installed on a rack on top of your vehicle.

Make sure that the rack can hold the weight of the RTT. To know if the roof rack is suitable for your tent, you may need to contact the manufacturers of both the rack and your vehicle. When you are shopping for the rack, consider the weight of your tent. The roof rack should be strong enough to hold the weight of the roof top tent.

Also, you will need to check if the rack is compatible with an RTT. You can find this information in the owner’s manual.  Some racks are not compatible.

Check if the rack is strong enough to carry the weight of the RTT by finding out its load capacity on the owner’s manual. A weak rack cannot hold the weight of a heavy roof top tent.

Attach the roof rack to your vehicle.

Make Sure the Roof Top Tent Is Compatible with Your Vehicle

Particular roof top tents are suitable for different vehicles. Make sure the tent is suitable for your vehicle.

To do this, find out the total weight of the tent. It should not be above the dynamic weight limit of your car. The dynamic weight limit is the maximum load that a vehicle can carry on its roof while moving.

In addition, your vehicle should support the weight of the tent, those sleeping in it and any additional gear. This is given by the static weight limit. This is the maximum weight that your vehicle can hold on the roof when stationary. You should find this out before installing the tent. You don’t want your car to cave in for carrying too much weight on the roof.

Attach the Tent

Now that you already have a suitable roof rack and tent, now it is time to attach the roof top tent. Remember, the RTT remains attached to the roof top.

To attach the tent, you will need to bolt it to the roof rack. This can take some time, although it’s a one-time process, well, until you are done with camping.

Follow the instructions provided on the owner’s manual of the tent.

You may not do this alone given that the tent might be too heavy to lift to the roof by yourself. Get an extra hand to help you.

Use It at the Camping Site

A roof top tent is installed when you are leaving for camping. You should now use it once you get to your camping destination.

Choose a leveled ground, park your vehicle and then open the tent. The RTTs are easy to open. However, it will depend on the type. Hard-shelled tents are easier to open that the soft-shelled. You simply open it up and you are ready to use.

For the soft-shelled, you are required to unfold so that it can open up. This can take some time.


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