How To Deal with Ear Wax Blockade


    The human body has different parts that operate in a delicate balance. Every part of the body plays a vital role in keeping it in good shape. So, if there is an imbalance, the whole body feels the impact. For example, as humans, we use the leg for movement, the eyes for seeing, while we use the ear for hearing. If there is a fault in any of these parts, it might affect the functioning of the others. This article will focus on the hear and how to manage ear wax blockade.

    The earwax, also known as cerumen, is designed to protect the ear, using a combination of lubricating and antibacterial properties. It is made up of dead skin cells and hair combined with discharge from two different glands. Although earwax develops naturally and may not have any adverse effects at the initial stage, some medical research has shown that it could lead to ear blockage if left to accumulate overtime. This is where ear wax removers like the Ohrenschmalz entfernen can come in handy. Of course, the best way to treat earwax blockade is by visiting a clinic for treatment or using an earwax remover.

    Some of the symptoms of earwax blockade include ear irritation, hearing loss, to name a few. Also, excessive earwax makes it difficult to see into the ear, resulting in ear problems if not diagnosed on time.

    Earwax colors and their different meaning

    Earwax comes in different colors and also has different physical contents. Some people may have wet earwax, while some people’s earwax may be dry. Their colors vary from orange-brown, honey color, or yellow light. Also, while wet earwax is sticky, dry earwax, in most cases, is likely to have a white or gray color.

    Various medical research results over the years have shown that genetic difference between people largely influences their earwax makeup. Nevertheless, darker color shades indicate older earwax. A dark earwax must have been exposed to air and most likely to contain dust content. You should contact your doctor if you notice any of these signs from your earwax discharge:

    • If you see blood in your earwax
    • If your earwax contains a white or greenish pus
    • You find your earwax baked on your pillow when you wake
    • Or you notice that your earwax looks darker than usual

    Some of the symptoms of earwax buildup and blockage

    Usually, you could notice some signs to signify that there could be some issues with earwax. They include the following:

    • When you start having a feeling of fullness in the ear.
    • Consistent pain in the ear.
    • When you begin to have difficulty in hearing, which may continue to worsen if left untreated.
    • Ringing in the ear tinnitus.
    • When you start experiencing itchiness in the ear.
    • Discharge or odor coming from the ear.


    To effectively treat your ear, it is advisable you don’t stick anything to clean them, except earwax cleaning tools. You can also clean your outer ear with cotton swabs. Moreover, since earwax grows naturally in the ears, you should ask your doctor for information on preventing earwax from building beyond the standard threshold to prevent ear blockade.


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